St. Mary’s are currently participating in the Arcadia Creative Climate Project. Our aim is become more environmentally responsible, raise awareness, encourage biodiversity and sustainability in our school community. Our Student Council, the Green Schools Team and 6th Class brainstormed many wonderful ideas for the project. Through this collaboration, we formulated our project title: “Upcycle, Recycle, Reimagine – a brighter future for St. Mary’s”. We kick started our whole school action with a ‘Break up with Plastic’ day for Valentine’s Day. Classes from Junior Infants to 6th Class (and teachers!) are engaging in a range of activities, making a huge collaborative effort for our whole school project. Already, we are making a huge difference, becoming more environmentally responsible and raising awareness among pupils, teachers and our school community. Well done to everyone for your continued efforts. We will present our project in a showcase event in TUS on Tuesday April 23rd.