Category: Oral Language
St. Mary’s celebrates Maths Week 2024
St. Mary’s Primary School celebrated Maths Week from the 14th to 18th of October 2024, in partnership with the national Maths Week Ireland initiative, with a range of exciting activities designed to engage students...
Term 1 Fun in 5th Class!
Mr. Downey’s 5th Class have been very busy since returning to school. We have been lucky to have had special visitors in our class for three weeks. Our class were privileged to have a...
6th Class attend Ericsson 50th Year Celebration
Some of our 6th class pupils recently had the opportunity to attend Ericsson’s 50-year celebration, where they toured the Infuse stand, showcasing innovative projects from our school and explored other exciting projects. Students proudly...
Our Spelling Bee County Champion!
6th Class pupil, Yusra, from Mr. Lennon’s Class, represented St. Mary’s at the Spelling Bee County Final in Mullingar recently. Yusra had some tough competition on the day, but thankfully her dedication, preparation and...
Lá Fhéile Bríde – St Brigid’s Day 2024
St. Mary’s pupils were busy learning all about St. Brigid and the history associated with her. Pupils in a variety of classes got the opportunity to work with rushes and create their own St....
6th Class attend Think Languages Workshop
6th Class got the opportunity to attend a Think Languages Workshop in Our Lady’s Bower recently, as part of a festival of languages and cultures. Pupils got to experience a range of languages including...
Senior Infants busy at their Maths Stations!
Ms McCormack’s Senior Infants really enjoyed our maths stations this week. We had lots of opportunities to practice combining with our cubes, to play counting and sorting games on the iPads and to work...
Fantastic Start to Maths Week in 2nd Class!
2nd Class children thoroughly enjoyed maths stations for the first day of maths week. We learned about 2D shapes by playing 2D shape bingo, making 2D shapes from lollipop sticks and forming 2D shapes...
Pumpkin Carving in 2nd Class
The children in Ms. Carty’s second class enjoyed carving and scraping out pumpkins in preparation for Oíche Shamhna🎃