Category: SPHE

St. Mary’s is an Active School

Our slogan is: Feel the burn and feel the fun!! Please take a look at some of the pictures below to get a taster of all the lovely fun activities, sports teams, Active School...

Student Mayor Election 2023/2024

In 6th Class, we recently elected Student Mayor of St. Mary’s Primary School 2023/2024. We held elections in each 6th Class. 3 candidates presented their campaign to all of 6th Class and their teachers....

Cyber Safety Talk

On Wednesday 1st February, 6th Class attended a very informative talk for on cyber safety and security in Athlone Library. This was hosted by CyberSafeKids. Parents and Guardians also had the opportunity to attend...

Transition from Primary to Post Primary

The transition from 6th class to secondary school can be challenging for children and parents alike. An online initiative is now available to all parents of 6th class children. This programme is completely free...

Buddy Bench

Second Class are very excited about our new ‘Buddy Bench’ on the yard. They loved listening to the stories on how to use the Buddy Bench and how to be a good friend on...