Children’s Mental Health Week 2024
As part of the Amber Flag initiative we celebrated Children’s Mental Health Week from February 6th-9th. The children had a wonderful week participating in various activities to promote positive mental health.
On Tuesday the children participated in ‘Tootles Tuesday’ where each child wrote positive remarks about another child in the class. Everyone received one and the children were thrilled to both write one and receive one.
On Wednesday we took part in ‘Wellbeing Wednesday’. Each class in the school was paired up with another class to take part in a fun activity (art, reading, outdoor activity, games). The children really enjoyed getting the opportunity to have some fun with another class.

On Thursday the children participated in ‘Thankful Thursday’. Each child received a leaf template where they wrote what they were grateful for. The leaves were then displayed on one of our ‘Gratitude Trees’.

On Friday we celebrated ‘Feel-Good Friday’. The children wore their favourite colour to school and participated in a poster competition to promote positive mental health. The quality of the posters were excellent and it was extremely difficult to pick some winners.