Green Schools

April 21st 2023

As we are working towards achieving our next Green Schools Flag in the area of Global Citizenship-Marine Environment, we were delighted to attend the Sod Turning Event of the Athlone Main Drainage Project on Friday, 21 April. The event took place at the new project site at Burgess Park, Athlone on a beautifully sunny mid-morning.

Three senior members of our Green School Committee attended- Aaliyah Jinks. Donal Croughan and Heavenly Agyeman and were fortunate enough to participate in this historic event.

We heard speeches from Niall Gleeson, CEO of Irish Water, Aengus O’ Rourke local County Councillor and Darragh O’ Brien, Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage. The pupils enjoyed listening to how this ambitious project will benefit the water quality of Athlone and its surrounds in the coming years.

Our three lucky representatives even got to turn the sods on the project to mark the occasion!

L-R Niall Gleeson , CEO of Irish Water, Aaliyah Jinks (Pupil), Heavenly Agyeman (Pupil), Donal Croughan (Pupil) and Darragh O'Brien-Minister for Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage of Ireland

Athlone Main Drainage Project

May 2022
Our Green School Team visited the Shamrock Lodge Hotel for the Athlone Canal Heritage Group Awareness Event on 04 May 2022. They got a valuable insight into the work being done to preserve the canal. They were also treated to a talk by the Ecologist Billy Flynn who informed us of the importance of the canal from an ecological perspective. Basil Mannion from the Local Authority Waters Programme also educated the children on how our daily lives and industries have an effect on the quality of the water supply in our canals, lakes and rivers locally.

A great day that was enjoyed by all!IMG-20220530-WA0003