
Principal: Ailish McManus

Deputy Principal: Joanne Croughan

School Hours: 

9.20 am – 2.00 pm (Junior and Senior Infants)

9.20 am – 3.00 pm (1st Class to 6th Class)

School Calendar 2024/25: Calendar 2024 -2025

School Uniform:

Girls: Green tartan skirt or navy skirt/ trousers, white shirt, red tie, navy jumper (with school name), navy socks.

Boys: Navy trousers, white shirt, red tie, navy jumper (with school name), navy socks.

School tracksuit: Children wear a navy tracksuit (with school name) and a white/red t-shirt for P.E lessons.

Uniforms are available in Fossal Uniform Shop, Irishtown and Burgess Stores, Church Street

The navy tracksuit can be bought in Dunnes Stores or Penneys and the school logo can be printed on it by Singer Sewing and Knitting Centre, Irish Town. School regulations do not allow platform shoes, clogs, high heels or doc martens boots to be worn to school.

All jumpers and coats should be marked clearly with child’s name