Home School Liaison

December Happy-Talk NewsletterHappyTalk-Calendar-2022-December

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We are offering a new course to parents/guardians in conjunction with the LWETB. It is a Beauty Course which will have sessions based on the following;

  • Facials/skincare
  • Gel polish/shellac
  • Makeup/Advanced makeup

We have 10 places available across two days- Thursday evenings or Friday mornings;

Thursdays-for four weeks-  17th of November, 24th November  and the 1st and the 8th of December 2022 from 6.30pm – 9.30pm.

Fridays -for three weeks-25th November,2nd and 9th of December 2022 10-1pm

Please note that this course does not take place at the school but at the address below;

Further Education Centre

Clonown Road 


Co Westmeath

N37 T6X0

Email: adultliteracysouth@lwetb.ie

Website: www.lwetb.ie

Joan Slevin

Adult Literacy Organiser

(T):  090 6500272

(M): 086 1731931

If you wish to book a place at this course please text Iseult on 0868354567 to reserve a place. Please note that you will have to complete an enrolment form for this LWETB course prior to attending.

Kind regards,

Iseult Murphy

Home School Community Liaison



November -Happy Talk-At-Home Activities to Improve Your Young Child’s Language Skills


October -Happy Talk -At-Home Activities to Improve Your Young Child’s Language Skills


Dear Parents/Guardians,

Barnardos National Wellbeing Project is running a Parent Wellbeing Group in our school from next month-PLEASE SEE POSTER ATTACHED.

This is a 6 week program for parents and carers of children aged between 0-18 years.

There are very limited spaces available. As there are 6 sessions , please only register of you can attend all 6 sessions.

The sessions will take place from 9.30am-10.30am on the following Wednesdays in St Mary’s NS;

Week 1-12/10/22

Week 19/10/22

Week 3- 9/11/22

Week 4-16/11/22

Week 5-23/11/22

Week 6- 30/11/22

Please text Iseult on 086 8354567 with your name to reserve a place on the course**DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL ADDRESS**

Kind regards,

Iseult Murphy

Home School Community Liaison

086 8354567

Parents Wellbeing Group Poster

Dear Parents,

As we are underway with renewed spirits at the beginning of another school year, we at National Parents Council Primary are bringing back a range of interactive sessions on anti-bullying.
You can read more about these sessions below. Please note that these sessions are completely online, and you will have to register prior to the event date for the link to the session. The registration links will be provided under the session information below.

Anti-Bullying Session: Supporting Parents to Support their Children regarding issues of Bullying (3rd– 7th October,2022)
This is a free online training programme designed by National Parents Council Primary (NPC) to enable you to support your children with any concerns that you might have regarding bullying and to also inform you about the Anti-bullying Procedures in schools.

Bullying is, unfortunately, a negative aspect of some children’s lives and can be a worry for many parents. Learning ways to deal with and cope with bullying situations is a key life skill that we all can develop. You will want to attend this if:

·   You would like to learn more about preventing or addressing bullying behaviour

·   You are worried about your child being bullied or bullying others

·   You want tips on how to support your child in dealing with bullying situations

·   You want information on the anti-bullying procedures in schools and to learn more about different types of bullying, including cyber-bullying

Where and When: Sessions will be taking place online via Zoom in the morning (10am) and evening (7.30pm) from Monday the 3rd to Thursday the 6th of October, with an additional morning session (10am) on Friday the 7th.

If you would be interested in attending (virtually) one of these online sessions, please register your details here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/AntiBullyingOct2022

These sessions are open to all parents of children in Primary School. Please forward the details to other parents.

Please note these sessions will be interactive allowing parents to participate and hence places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis. 


****September 2022****

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Welcome to a new school year to all of our of parents! Please see below for details of some of the courses on offer in the next few weeks;

New Parent Courses for Term 1  2022!


We will continue to have classes on-site which will be facilitated by the Longford/Westmeath Education and Training Board (LWETB). A horticulturalist from the LWETB will visit the school fortnightly to work with parents/caregivers/grandparents/guardians etc. These Sowing/growing/harvesting classes will all be happening in our Polytunnel on the Senior Side of the school and we hope you will enjoy participating! An application form must be completed before your place on this course can be confirmed .Please see dates below;

13th of September             9.30am – 11.00 am

27th of September            9.30am – 11.00 am

11th of October-                9.30am – 11.00 am

25th of October-           9.30am – 11.00 am

15th of November-         9.30am – 11.00 am

29th of November –          9.30am – 11.00 am

We can accept adults 18+ (parents, grandparents, guardians, caregivers, any interested adult).

Triple P Positive Parenting Programme

There will be a 2 hour workshop entitled ‘Developing Good Bedtime Routines’ running in our school on Wednesday 14th of September from 9.30am- 11.30am.

Facilitators: Miriam Kelly & Theresa Bracken, Barnardos. Please contact me on the below details if you are interested in reserving a place.

  • ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) are taking place in the local Further Education Centre-please contact for more details.

 Please text Iseult  Murphy (Home School Community Liaison) on 086 83545647 or at iseulthscl@gmail.com to enrol in a class or for further information/advice.

Kind regards,

Iseult Murphy

16th June 2022

Dear Parents/Guardians,

There is another session of the very popular Organic Face Cream making course taking place in the LWETB, Clonown Road, Athlone on Tuesday the 28th of June;

2 sessions again. 9.45 to 11.15 and 11.30 to 1pm.

20 places on offer.

Please contact Iseult Murphy by text on 086 8354567 too book your place!

Kind regards,

Iseult Murphy

Home School Community Liaison

16th May 2022

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Please see the following upcoming  free courses offered to Parents by the LWETB at their Clonown Road location;

BAKING CLASSES ; Wednesday 1st, 8th and 15th :10AM – 12.30PM

ORGANIC FACE CREAMS; Tuesday 7th of June – Session 1 09:45am-11;15am Session 2 11:30am-1pm.

Please see attached flyers below for more information.

Please contact Iseult by text on 086 8354567 if you wish to participate in these free courses.

Kind regards,

Iseult Murphy

Home School Community Liaison

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New Parent Courses for 2022!

April  2022

Dear Parents/Guardians,

***NEW COURSES ADDED  25/4/22***


We will continue to have classes on-site which will be facilitated by the Longford/Westmeath Education and Training Board (LWETB). A horticulturalist from the LWETB will visit the school fortnightly to work with parents/caregivers/grandparents/guardians etc. These Sowing/growing/harvesting classes will all be happening in our Polytunnel on the Senior Side of the school and we hope you will enjoy participating!

We are back up and running after Easter with a change of time for Wednesday the 27th of April- the time on that date will be @9.30am. Please come to reception on that morning if it is your first time to join the class.

Going forward this is the updated timetable for Tuesdays instead of Wednesdays from the 10th of May as follows:

May/June – Tuesdays

10th of May – St Marys St Marys 9.30 – 11am

24th of May – St Marys 9.30 – 11.00

7th of June  –  St Marys 9.30 -​11.00

21st of June – St Marys 9.30 – 11.00

  • Triple P Parenting Programme Triple P, Positive Parenting for Healthy Living Course-8 Week Programme (for parents of children 0-12 years) begins Thursday 28th April @9:45-11:30am in St Mary’s National School, Athlone. Triple P is a positive parenting programme that is a flexible and practical way to develop skills, strategies and confidence to handle any parenting situation.

Facilitators: Miriam Kelly & Theresa Bracken, Barnardos

  • Mindful Caring with Angela Quain commencing on Tuesday 10th May 2022 in St Mary’s NS.

The aim of these workshops is to introduce you, as parents, grandparents, caregivers, guardians or interested adults, to the practice of mindfulness and the benefit it can bring to our daily lives .These 1 hour workshops will take place on Tuesdays from 9.30 – 10.30am beginning on the 3rd of May 2022 in St. Mary’s National School. When we practice mindfulness it can help us to- Bring awareness to our busy minds/Reduce stress/Calm/Increase self-compassion, kindness and gratitude/ Improve emotional regulation/Improve family communication and connection/Journaling/Reflective questioning.

  • ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) taking place in the Parent Room in St Mary’s School every Monday. Assessment required before commencing the programme.

 Please contact Iseult (Home School Community Liaison) on 086 83545647 or on iseulthscl@gmail.com to enrol in a class or for further information/advice.

 Wellbeing Wednesday is on every….Wednesday!!  It runs from 1pm to 1.30pm with a  second group from 1.30 – 2.00pm.

Weaving/String Art/ Sewing/Crochet and Knitting are all available also.
Kind regards,
Iseult Murphy