Term 1 Fun in 5th Class!
Mr. Downey’s 5th Class have been very busy since returning to school. We have been lucky to have had special visitors in our class for three weeks. Our class were privileged to have a miniature aquarium which contained Common Prawns, Blenny, Hermit Crab and Sea Anemone. The children really enjoyed learning all about these creatures and also loved feeding them and taking care of them. A huge thank you to Ms. Gallagher for organising this. The children completed some fantastic SESE projects in small groups, where they got to practice their communication, art and IT skills.
The children have also been busy in other subjects such as Maths. The children loved using Tangrams and had great fun experimenting with them. They also completed a code breaker activity with Mr. Lowry. Keep up the hard work boys and girls!