Student Council 2024/2025
Over the past couple of weeks, children in 3rd-6th were learning all about what it means to be a part of the student council! This year, we spread out the election process over 3 weeks, with each week having it’s own theme.
The student council for 2024/2025 will consist of 10 members from 3rd-6th class. Four of these members will be from 6th class, two from 5th class, two from 4th class, and 2 from 3rd class. Each class level will also have substitute members, who will help out with the council when needed or step in for a council member in the event of their absence.
Week 1: Information and Nomination Week
During this week, the children learned all about the importance of a student council, what it means to have a voice in the school and why their vote matters.
Mayor of Athlone and County Councillor Frankie Keena came to the school to speak with 5th and 6th class pupils about his role, and how it relates to the job of the elected student council!
The children ended the week by nominating themselves or their classmate to represent their class in the upcoming elections.
Week 2: Campaign Week
During Campaign Week, the children created their ‘Manifesto’. This would be their speech, posters and any other materials they wanted to use to spread the word of their interest in being on the council. The school was full of posters and leaflets made by children which was lovely to see!
Week 3: Election Week
The voting for the Student Council took place on Thursday, October 10th. Mr Grace set up a polling station where each class came at their allocated time to cast their vote.

Student Council Electee’s
6th Class:
Joseph Joyce
Ishan Sachin
Zion Seweryniak Araujo
Laura Uchechi Osuji Osuji
5th Class:
Esther Chimdimma
Lola Healy
4th Class:
Namya Tyagi
Paul Stephens
3rd Class:
Harry Fallon
Testimony Aigbe
Abigail Malaolu
Mera Gaballa
Taylor-Rae Dowling
Ayrash Dhairyashil Chenda
Daniella Mazeikaite
Nirbhay Sauparna
Maebh De Menezes McCoy
Yasmin Alves Oliveira
Amelia Dooner