Food Dudes!

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Here in St. Mary’s we are taking part in the Food Dudes Healthy Eating Programme. Food Dudes is a programme developed to encourage children to eat more fruit and vegetables both in school and at home. It is based on positive role models , repeated tasting and rewards and so far the children are really enjoying tasting and eating the fruit and vegetables each day. They are especially having great fun trying out the vegetables they have never tried before like Mange Tout!! After these 16 days of fruit and veg. tasting the children will be encouraged to bring at least 1 fruit and 1 vegetable to school with them everyday from home, please continue to encourage your child to eat healthily and their bodies will reap the rewards. Thank you so much.

Here are some of the girls and boys in Ms. Smith’s 2nd class eating their bananas and sweet peppers.





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