School Tour to Dublin

Our School Tour by Leah Walsh (5th Class)

On Thursday 14th June Ms. Hannon’s 5th class came into school at 8:00am for the trip. When we were all in the  classroom, teacher did a headcount.  Then we got onto the bus, one hour and a half later we were there.

We waited for our tour guide to come. He took us into Dublinia, the Viking History Museum. And as well as being so much fun, it was a great way to teach history.

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After that we walked down to the Splash Tour Bus, Also known as the ‘Duck’. It was called that because it was a machine used to give tours on land and in water, specifically for the River Liffey. We learned more fun ways to learn history.

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When it was over, we went to the bus.  We stopped at Supermac’s on the way home to have some dinner. We went upstairs and waited patiently for our orders.

After we were done eating, we went on our journey home. When we arrived at school, we said “Goodbye!” and went home with our parents.


By Leah

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